Butterfly Ninjas
Butterfly Ninjas are the nationwide Choose Courage Foundation volunteer group committed to growing awareness about domestic violence and supporting the Choose Courage Foundation.
They use their ninja skills to spread awareness, encourage victims to seek help, and prevent the next generation of abuse.
YOU can be a Butterfly Ninja: Survivors, supporters, men, women, and ANYONE wanting to help is invited to join our community of dedicated volunteers.
Becoming a Butterfly Ninja is easy! Click the button below to sign up, then request to join the private Facebook group – Butterfly Ninjas and watch the group for missions and get started volunteering.
Like the CCF page on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest
Help drive our social media with likes, comments, shares and reposts
Assist on a CCF Photoshoot
Greet guests at Art Festivals
Volunteer to work with our Teen Ambassadors
Distribute butterflies as a part of the Butterfly Brigade
Invite friends to get involved
What’s your why?
A “why” is a statement of purpose that describes why we do the work we do. Although our goal to break the shame, stimga, and silence of domestic abuse may be the same, everyone has their own “why” that drives them to volunteer with us.
If you have a heart to make a difference please join us! #BreakingShame from coast to coast.